SOPAC seeks to encourage partnerships, especially in the South Orange-Maplewood community, by customizing sponsorship packages to meet the needs of your business. The opportunities below can be combined in a way that suits your company’s budget and highlights its priorities.

Make a Sponsorship Payment

Benefits to your business may include:


Named sponsor of the SOPAC show of your choice


Discount code for your employees to SOPAC-presented events

Free tickets to SOPAC-presented shows: ideal for entertaining colleagues & associates

On-Site Signage

Over 40,000 people visit SOPAC each year

Logo signage year-round on lobby TV’s

Logo placement in our pre-show slideshow

SOPAC Season Materials

Season Program Placement (20,000 printed per season)

Brochure Placement (35,000 printed and mailed)

E-news logo placement (35,000 emails weekly)

SOPAC Website

Logo placement, company link and sponsorship credit (115,000+ visitors)

Why be a SOPAC Sponsor?

You know that arts improve the quality of life in your community

With your support, SOPAC can keep tickets prices affordable

Your support helps bring world-class talent to SOPAC’s intimate stage

Because you know that non-profit organizations like SOPAC rely on your contributions to remain financially healthy

For more information, contact Lana Rogachevskaya at (973) 382-1031 or