Robin Sherer

Merchandise Seller
Robin Sherer began working at SOPAC as a volunteer Usher in October of 2013. In 2016, she was awarded as Volunteer of the Year.
As an accountant with almost 50 years’ experience, Robin has had extensive experience with non-profit organizations and understands the complexities of their administration and admires their social value. She loves Rock and Roll, like everyone else of her vintage. Robin has also learned to admire and enjoy Classical music. Her son is a Classical clarinetist and a middle school math teacher, which is why her true passion is to encourage young minds in school to enjoy and learn art, music, theater and develop their own potential to the max. Robin loves that SOPAC has so much to offer in Kids + Family programming and supports SOPAC’s Arts Education programs. Robin feels honored and privileged to be a volunteer, employee and member of SOPAC.