Bill Perlman

House Manager
Bill Perlman is a long time resident of South Orange. Together with his wife Janet (a CHS graduate), he has raised two daughters, and helped raise twin grandchildren, all graduates of SOMA schools! After watching the process of SOPAC finally getting built, he started volunteering during its first year. Soon SOPAC asked Bill to also be a House Manager, and he has been doing both for many years.
A graduate engineer (without an arts backround), Bill volunteered because he enjoys the theater and helping others. Before retiring he owned a manufacturing representative company supplying emergency power equipment. For many years he was involved with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) as NY Chapter Chairman and then as NY Section Chairman, and is now a Life Senior Member.
Bill is an avid softball player and has played, managed teams and medaled in the Senior Olympics since 2001 at various venues around the country. He also plays and manages a local team and a team for the Cape Cod Classic Tournament. Bill did scuba diving at a number of different sites mostly in the Caribbean and believes that it is the quietest and most zen of sports. He is now playing pickleball as well, which is neither quiet nor zen.