Thursday, November 14 from 5-8PM

Join us for a reception to celebrate the opening of a new exhibition in The Herb & Milly Iris Gallery.

Steve Vaccariello

Curated by Jeremy Moss
On Display November 14 – January 19, 2020

Opening Reception: THU, NOV 14, 5-8PM

Pictured:  Brit with Netting, 2019 

View the Flickr Gallery

In JUST DANCE…, Vaccariello’s vivid and sensual portraits capture an unbridled creativity; a guileless exchange of artistic expression between two masters, each on either side of the camera lens. Vaccariello’s direction is simple and straightforward, “Just dance…” Then, on film, he immortalized their liberated collaboration; a visual and a performance artist breaking free to bestow an inspired vision of beauty.

“Photography isn’t what I do,” says Vaccariello, “It’s what I am.”

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